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Unrivaled Refinement, Iconic Las Vegas Luxury


On April 21 and April 22, I closed two of the highest sales priced properties since the March “shut down.”  I can tell you these escrows took all of the 30 years of experience I have as a Broker to bring to fruition.  Both Buyers could have cancelled at any time.  Both Sellers also had legitimate concerns about the environment we are in.  Issues came up that I have never witnessed in my career.  Solutions were crafted and compromises were made and ultimately these escrows both closed.  Both Buyers have long term plans to raise their families in their new residences.  Ingenuity and creativity are the ingredients that will help us all overcome today’s obstacles and we will return to life as normal.  If you are looking for a team of professionals to guide you in this challenging time, look no further than Luxury Homes of Las Vegas.

Luxury Homes of Las Vegas