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E-Signing Gains Acceptance in Real Estate

A growing number of luxury real estate professionals are using and promoting electronic signatures in transactions to better serve clients. Electronic signatures enable consumers in a transaction to sign documents anywhere anytime without having to meet in person. They can sign off on a contract while out of town. Electronic signatures are secure, simple, and convenient. Electronic signatures are at the center of a paperless real estate transaction. With document management software, REALTORS® can now manage files, send out reminders, track signatures, and follow progress of the transaction without ever using pen or paper. Luxury Homes of Las Vegas has been using E-signatures for a little over one year now and have found them to be both effecient and convenient. Luxury home clients enjoy the simple process and the time savings as well. It’s hard to believe that the E-Sign Act was passed 10 years ago, granting the same legal status as ink on paper. I still see some lenders that won’t use or allow them, but more and more are gradually accepting their use. Added benefits: we save both trees and gas!