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Home Prices Critical to Small Business Jobs

Small businesses account for most of the new job creation in America. What do small businesses need to expand and hire? Credit and access to capital. Yet most lenders today are not lending to small business. This means small business owners must tap their own personal funds or equity in their luxury home to expand their business. We all know what has happened to housing equity – it has greatly shrunk over the past 4-5 years. Aggregate value of real estate equity went from $13 trillion in 2006 to $6.1 trillion today. The good news is that most of these declines are over. However, to give small business owners needed funds to expand and grow their business we are going to need some home price recovery. Luxury homes and million dollar homes that rise in price can give small business owners the capital to expand their business and hire new employees. This makes a housing recovery more critical than ever.