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Innovative Marketing Produces Amazing Results!

In the past few weeks Luxury Homes of Las Vegas as hosted three Jet Tours where I flew qualified buyers in from Southern California to look at our best luxury mansions. 25% of our luxury buyers come from the Southern California market. This story was picked up by the national news media and covered by Fox Business News, The Wall Street Journal, NBC Today Show, ABC Nightline and CBS Inside Edition! I also ran a full page advertisement in the local Chinese newspaper as many of our affluent buyers speak Chinese. We also have many number one rankings for Google search terms like “Luxury Home Las Vegas.”

These innovative programs have produced spectacular results:

  • I sold 8 out of 35 luxury homes sold in our MLS system in the first quarter of 2010.
  • This is the number one dominant market share at 23%.
  • I sold the highest price home during the quarter at $7,000,000 representing both the buyer and the seller.
  • Nobody sells more luxury homes in Las Vegas over $1,000,000 than Kenneth Lowman!