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Jump-Starting the Economy

This great idea came from the CEO of Realty Trac, James Saccacio. The problem with most all of the stimulus programs is that they are helping out the 2% of borrowers that got in trouble and can’t afford their homes. Let’s reward the 98% of borrowers who are engaged in good financial behavior. The fastest , easiest and most direct way to do this is to double the mortgage interest deduction. This will benefit all, but will disproportionately benefit those in the lower and middle income brackets because the deduction represents a larger proportion of their income. It will help prevent good borrowers from walking away from their home because they feel they are “upside down.” Borrowers would qualify by staying current on their mortgage. Each month the borrow goes more than 30 days past due would reduce their potential deduction by 1/12. Email me your thoughts on this one.