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Luxury Homes Las Vegas

I’m often asked, “How’s the Las Vegas luxury home market?” Today, the best way to answer that question is, “challenging.” The Las Vegas luxury home market had one of its best years ever in 2018. This led to more luxury homes coming on the market. With more homes to choose from buyers became more deliberate and disciplined in their purchase process. At the present time we have a steady stream of cautious Las Vegas luxury home buyers coupled with a fair amount of inventory for them to choose from. This would seem to many a normal market. However, on the heels of such a great market in 2018 some view it as disappointing. While we still see luxury home buyers in Las Vegas pay nice premiums for newer, modern homes with the latest style; older homes in mature neighborhoods often need price discounts to sell. Today more than ever a luxury home seller in Las Vegas needs to choose an expert that can guide them through the process of preparing their luxury home for sale and determining a market competitive price. Patience and a realistic approach often pay off by yielding a greater sales price for your luxury home in Las Vegas.

Luxury Homes Las Vegas