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Luxury Homes of Las Vegas

The first half of the year is nearly complete and what a year it has been!

We are on pace for another all-time sales record selling luxury homes in Las Vegas! It’s times like this where I like to pause and count all my blessings. I’m grateful for exceptional clients that are trusting and loyal in my abilities to sell their luxury homes. I’m grateful for the best real estate team in Las Vegas. I’m grateful for my 3rd party vendors, webmaster, title company, home inspectors, appraisers and photographers that assist us with the numerous details that go into marketing and selling a Las Vegas luxury home. I’m grateful for the wonderful city that I get to sell in and the unique and remarkable luxury homes in Las Vegas. I’m grateful for the successes and the challenges overcome.

What a year it has already been and we look forward to continued success selling Las Vegas luxury homes!

The Ridges Home for Sale, 21 Meadowhawk Ln