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Quality, Quantity & Spirit

Our mission at Luxury Homes of Las Vegas is to provide the highest Quality, Quantity and Spirit (QQS) of real estate service possible to our clients and the community. This is a philosophy that works in most areas of life and has served us well as we have built the leading luxury sales company in Las Vegas! No matter what you are doing you can always do your very best and do it with pride (Quality). First class work is noticed and rewarded. You can also do more than is asked of you and/or go the extra mile (Quantity). Sometimes you can do more in the same amount of time as others. And, whatever task you are doing, you can do it with a smile on your face and a pleasing personality (Spirit). When you are smiling and happy it is much easier to gain cooperation and trust from others. Following these principles leads to more things getting accomplished the right way and you end up having fun along the way. As you’re spreading holiday cheer this season, spread some QQS too!